Privacy policy


The Data Controller informs you, pursuant to art. 13 EU Regulation no. 2016/679 (hereinafter, “GDPR”) that your data will be processed in the following ways and for the following purposes:

1. Object of the processing

The Data Controller processes personal data, identifying data below, “personal data” and/or “sensitive” or even “data” communicated by you during pre-contractual and/or contractual relationships.

2.Purpose of the processing

Your personal data are processed without your express consent art. 6 lett. b), e) GDPR), for the following Purposes

  • Fulfill pre-contractual, contractual and tax obligations deriving from existing relationships with you;
  • – Fulfill the obligations established by law, by a regulation, by community legislation or by an order from the Authority;

3. Treatment methods and times

The processing of your personal data is carried out by means of the operations indicated in the art. 4 no. 2) GDPR and precisely: collection, recording, organisation, conservation, consultation, processing, modification, selection, extraction, comparison, use, interconnection, blocking, communication, cancellation and destruction of data. Your personal data is subjected to both paper and electronic and/or automated processing.

The Data Controller will process personal data only for the time required by the mandatory laws for the conservation of fiscal and/or commercial data.

The data relating to you present in public registers or directly disclosed by you may be stored in our archives for an indefinite period.

At the end of the indicated periods, the data will be deleted and/or made anonymous

4. Access to data

Your data may be made accessible for the purposes referred to in the art. 2.

  • To employees and collaborators of the Data Controller or associated companies in Italy and abroad, in their capacity as authorized and/or data controllers and/or system administrators;
  • To third-party companies or other entities that carry out outsourced activities on behalf of the Owner (employment consultant, accountant, legal offices).

5. Data communication

Without the need for express consent (art. 6 letters b) and c) GDPR), the Data Controller may communicate your data for the purposes referred to in the art. 2. to those subjects to whom communication is mandatory by law for the fulfillment of the aforementioned purposes. These subjects will process the data in their capacity as independent data controllers.

Your information will not be disseminated

6. Data transfer

Personal data is stored on computer systems located in Italy and therefore within the European Union. In any case, it is understood that the Data Controller, if necessary, will have the right to move the data to IT systems, including those outside the EU. In this case, the Data Controller hereby ensures that the transfer of non-EU data will take place in compliance with the applicable legal provisions, subject to the stipulation of the standard contractual clauses provided by the European Commission.

7. Nature of providing data and consequences of refusing to respond

The provision of data for the purposes referred to in art. 2 is mandatory. In their absence, we will be unable to manage any relationship with you.

8. Rights of the interested party

Nella Sua qualità di interessato, ha i diritti di cui all’art. 15 GDPR

In your capacity as an interested party, you have the rights referred to in the art. 15 GDPR

Where applicable, you also have the rights referred to in the articles. 16-17-18-19-20-21 GDPR (Right of rectification, right to be forgotten, right to limit processing, right to data portability, right to object), as well as the right to complain to the Guarantor Authority.

9. Method of exercising rights

You may exercise your rights at any time by sending a communication to the Data Controller:

A registered letter with return receipt. at

  • Cartiera Olona Srl – Via Galileo Galilei, 6 –
    21055 GORLA MINORE (VA)

10. Owner, managers and authorized persons

The data controller is Cartiera Olona Srl with headquarters in Via Galileo Galilei, 6 – 21055 GORLA MINORE (VA)